So here's the basics of all sorority recruitment for PNMs.
This day you will visit every house, and talk to girls that will already be paired to you.
Round 1 is supposed to be considered casual, and some places suggest wearing shorts. All the sororities will more likely be wearing shorts and a shirt with their sorority's letters. My suggestion is to never wear shorts during the entire recruitment process. If you dress better than everyone, you look better than everyone, and will be a more desired candidate. Today you should choose a casual sundress or Lilly skirt.
Round 2- For most colleges, round two is focused on the sorority's philanthropy. Look up every sorority's national philanthropy, and think of a story or connection as to how their philanthropy can relate to you.
*For example, a Phi Mu might say "Our national philanthropy is Children's Miracle Network, and every spring we throw a dance marathon to help raise money." My response would be "Oh I love hanging out with little kids. In high school, I babysat my neighbors' kids all the time. They were so funny, they used to blow bubbles into their cereal bowls, and it would always get all over their faces."
While doing the craft DO NOT say any of the following things or the person you're talking to will not have a good impression:
"Does this actually get donated?"
"Do I have to do the craft?"
"I don't really want to do the craft."
No one is going to want to do it. Be for real. Also, a lot of times the people do not care if you actually do the craft, but if the girl transitions the conversation to crafting DO NOT deflect to a different subject. Laugh and say something like "Oh dear, I'm not very good at crafting but we'll see how this goes."
Today's outfits are very hard to decipher. Some places say it's even more casual than Round 1, but my suggestion is to stick to a skirt. I suggest short A-lines. They are always a big hit no matter the shape of your butt, and are really cute even if they are plain colors.
The attire for round three should be spring time dresses.
Round 4- This is the final round. Its preferential ceremony. Sometimes these can be creepy serious, or seem really insincere, but what is extremely important to remember is that most ceremonies are scripted by nationals. So don't freak out if you end up in a dark room and the only light around you is a candle.
This will also be the longest conversation, and a lot of time the sorority's will preach to their sisters to do what they call "heart-selling." Now in my opinion, it's stupid and sucks, but they will go on and on about how much they love their sorority, and what a meaningful experience it has been being in the sorority. If someone does this to you, just be sweet and smile, and don't judge their sorority based on this one conversation.
For preferential ceremonies, some will tell you to wear all black, and its a very good decision if you're not comfortable standing out, but if they don't tell you to wear black, you should definitely wear a color that is soft, and not too bold. My freshman roommate wore a creamish/pink colored dress, and it definitely put her in front of the crowd. Another thing to take note of is how formal your outfit is. ITS NOT PROM. No bedazzling. Pearls are nice or a simple silver or gold necklaces. No sequences on your dress and no crystals. Simple is key on this night.
I'll leave you with some final PNM tips:
1. Wear your hair differently at least once.
2. Unfortunately, the first round sorority's will judge you on what you are wearing especially if you go to a large school, because they will have no other way of making their selection pool smaller.
3. Don't bring up fraternities AT ALL
4. Smile Smile Smile
5. Remember the girl's name that you are talking to and use it when talking to her.
6. No heels until round 3
7. Get some sleep
8. Get ready for BID DAY!
Good Luck and Southern Love,
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